Let your team work from Anywhere. Anytime

Let your team work from Anywhere. Anytime

With employees now primarily working remotely, the workspace has shifted drastically. Many teams are balancing a hybrid working model between home and office, while maintaining hugely important lines of communication with your company’s most vital asset—the customer.

With employees now primarily working remotely, the workspace has shifted drastically. Many teams are balancing a hybrid working model between home and office, while maintaining hugely important lines of communication with your company’s most vital asset—the customer.

Are your employees set up for success in the “Next Normal”? Consider these three questions.

1. How can employee’s maintain authentic, quality connections with customers?

Only 21% of customers rate the digital experience of large multinational organizations as excellent. Corporations fall short of creating meaningful customer experiences when they rely too heavily on digital channels, such as chat, compared to live phone interactions.

2. How can you migrate to the cloud in a way that helps – not hurts – your business?

50% of employees have moved to work from home. Businesses are now moving to the cloud to support remote working and enable them with the right technology, wherever they are.

3. How can you empower your team to be as motivated and productive at home as they are in the office?

70% of organizations researched are hiring more skilled agents to better address increasingly complex customer interactions. These skilled workers are in high demand and can easily switch from one organization to another. Help them engage with their peers and feel appreciated for the challenging job they perform.

Contact PFH today to discuss the fully Poly portfolio and how it can enable your organisation to succeed in the “Next Normal”. Click here.